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Saturday, October 1, 2011

Greedy Green

Even After The Bankruptcy Of Solyndra Obama Rushes Through Billion More In Green Loans

Barack Obama at Solyndra

After the massive collapse and bankruptcy of U.S. President Barack Obama's $535,000,000 pet project, funded by the taxpayers, known as the solar company Solyndra, most would think the administration would be more cautious in doling out the people's money in said sector of the economy. Not so.

The Obama Administration has just rushed out $9 billion dollars more in taxpayer money to the solar industry, in an attempt at beating China, which has cost effectively perfected the sale and distribution of said apparatus, at a very low cost.

Once again, as the Judiciary Report has stated for 2 and a 1/2 years, these non-necessity initiatives need to be placed on the back burner, until America is on stronger financial footing. The taxpayers and the nation deficit cannot afford any more costly mistakes.

If I were a head of state facing the financial problems America is, I would stick to proven industries that can provide quick and robust returns and shore them up. You reward success, not failure. Yes, it is wise to not give up, but one must use common sense and moderation in how one goes about things, when trying again, especially when the financial stability and success of a nation of 305,000,000 people are at stake.


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