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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Paramedic: Michael Jackson's Life Could Have Been Saved Had Dr. Murray Called 911 Sooner

Richard Senneff

Los Angels paramedic, Richard Senneff, took the stand in the Dr. Conrad Murray manslaughter trial, in relation to the pharmaceutical drug overdose and death of pop singer, Michael Jackson. On September 30, 2011, Senneff stated the same thing Judiciary Report did two days prior on September 28, 2011 (The Lies Dr. Conrad Murray Told About Michael Jackson's Death Are Being Unraveled Via Testimony) and in previous articles as well, had Dr. Murray called 911 right away, Jackson's life could have been saved. The Judiciary Report firmly believes this.

When I was sixteen years old, I lived in a small apartment building on the second floor with my mom. One day, one of my neighbors in his twenties that lived on the first floor, collapsed on the ground in the back garden. I ran down stairs only to see him in distress, eyes open wide, not speaking, as a couple other neighbors gathered around him.

Conrad Murray

I suspected it was his heart, as he still appeared to be breathing and it did not really look like a seizure. Therefore, I did not think it was respiratory failure. I immediately ran back up the stairs and called 911. Due to his grandmother speaking Spanish and I English, I was not sure of what was going on, neither did my mom.

We started praying to Jesus to spare his life, while huddled around him and waiting for the paramedics. Shortly before the paramedics arrived, he managed to raise his upper body, while opening his eyes even wider staring at us, brought his right hand around and clutched his chest by his heart, then collapsed backward completely unresponsive. We all screamed, because it looked like he had flatlined. Moments after the paramedics arrived and rushed him to the hospital.

Michael Jackson's kids and his sister, LaToya Jackson, who believes he was murdered for his copyrighted catalog, which Sony unethically fought for full control over

Miraculously, two weeks later, we saw him again, in the backyard garden of the apartment, smiling and happy, glad to be alive. By God's grace, his life was spared. He got to the hospital quickly, with the paramedics, then doctors working to restart his heart. So, it can be done.

To borrow from the Golden Girls, when the character Blanche was asked if she has ever dated a married man she replied, "Blanche Devereaux never goes out with another woman's husband. Except for that one time, but that was not my fault. She was pronounced dead. Those paramedics never give up!"

Michael Jackson

Had Dr. Murray called 911 right away, the paramedics would have worked on Jackson and rushed him to the hospital, saving his life. They deal with overdoses all the time and can successfully combat and counteract them with medication and equipment, but not if one waits until the patient is soundly dead and give them misleading information as to what caused the medical event.

Murray has no excuse. If a sixteen-year old with no medical training knew to immediately call 911 - he as a trained physician should have known better. There are well-documented stories of people of all ages calling 911 from mobile phones and receiving help, that did not know the address of where they were at the time, but emergency services were able to quickly trace the calls and pinpoint their exact location. Something sinister took place in the Jackson home that day and for justice to be served, the truth needs to come out.

This brings the Judiciary Report back to a point made last week (Holes In The Michael Jackson Death Timeline Reveals Someone Is Lying). There is something wrong with the timeline in Jackson's death. Something is off there and it is due to the misinformation Dr. Murray keeps providing. Jackson did not begin dying or die when Murray claims he did. Murray stated Jackson was still alive with a pulse, when being loaded into the ambulance. However, the Judiciary Report is of the belief, Jackson was long gone, which is why the paramedics were unsuccessful in reviving him.

Remember, Murray told police (on tape) Jackson came to him at 4:30AM demanding Propofol and has been ambiguous regarding when he administered it to him. The paramedics weren't called until 12:21PM, arriving at the home at 12:26PM, which is fairly quick. Jackson's body should not have been in the state it was in if he was still alive at the time.


People vs. Dr. Conrad Murray

Updated 9/30/11 at 8:45AM - One of the paramedics who rushed to save Michael Jackson's life at 100 N. Carolwood Drive just testified ... if Murray had called 911 immediately, Michael Jackson's life might have been saved. Richard Senneff said Murray told him he called 911 the second he realized MJ was in distress, when in fact there was an approximate 20-minute delay.


Paramedic Testifies Michael Jackson Could Have Been Saved If 9-1-1 Was Called Sooner

Posted on Sep 30, 2011 @ 10:15AM - In stunning testimony Friday a paramedic claimed that he could of saved Michael Jackson’s life, if Dr. Conrad Murray had called 9-1-1 immediately after discovering the singer’s lifeless body. Senneff said that Jackson was "flatlined" and appeared dead when rescuers arrived at his house on the day of his death, on June 25, 2009. He also said that at no time during the 42 minutes he was with him did he see any signs of life in the 50-year-old star.



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