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Saturday, September 17, 2011

Kim Kardashian Wearing White In Her Wedding Photos Is…

Quite Generous Under The Circumstances, At Least According To Tradition

Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries

When people think of brides wearing white, they associate it with purity and virtue. However, all the public seems to be posting about reality TV star, Kim Kardashian, is how her husband, basketball player, Kris Humphries, could have married her, knowing about the well-publicized sex tape she is featured on, reportedly performing oral sex on rapper Ray J, who also relieves himself by urinating on her.

I have not seen the tape and have no intention of doing so, but it really was wrong for Ray J, to unleash this on the world, especially for profit. They are now porn stars as a result. It was also wrong of Kardashian to pose in Playboy, profiting from said infamy. I’m sure many are snickering about her wearing white to her wedding, which is a sad indictment of life in Hollywood, as lasciviousness and promiscuity are the norm there.

My point? Women, especially young, impressionable ones, need not follow in Kardashian’s footsteps, getting used by men, who will exploit, then insult you once they get what they want. Value yourself more than to let people take you for granted. Don’t make a spectacle of yourself to become famous, because that wears off very fast and you will be left with emotional and mental hang ups and a ton of bad memories from being mistreated and misused.


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