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Monday, July 5, 2010

Motivation for Monday!

To me, Mondays suck because I had just spent the weekend (which now seems like a distant memory) with friends and the boyfriend, going out, gardening, sleeping late, shopping, dining, planning my birthday and absorbing some sunlight! Then, on every Monday, it's back to doing the same old shit   back in the salt mines   doing things I don't get paid for   leaving home when it's dark and returning when it's still dark back to work and spending loads of time with people who gossip   who don't always appreciate my creativity who are almost like family!

So, if you can relate (just a 'lil), here's some Monday Motivation to get you through the week, or day at least - a quote I thought of this morning! How very prophet-tee of me:

"No one in the world was ever you before, with your gifts, personality, strengths, passion, abilities and possibilities. It will be a shame to waste all those by trying to be anything but you."

(Image found here)

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