Contemporary author and entrepreneur, Enitan Bereola looks to educate men and give insight on modern chivalry through his book, Bereolaesque: The Gentlemen and Etiquette Book for the Urban Sophisticate. The book serves as a guide on how to become contemporary gentlemen.
Born and raised in San Jose, California, Bereola grew up in a middle class household along with two sisters and a brother. As a kid, Bereola was a bit of a class clown who followed the 90’s trend of replica basketball jerseys and the latest kicks. In junior high, he started a shoe collection comprised of Nike and Air Jordan’s. Leading into college, Enitan traded his fetish kicks and athletic attire for an upscale look of blazers and square toes.
As a party promoter, Bereola traveled from Tallahassee to Atlanta, obtaining renowned contacts which led to a fatherly relationship with mentor Tarvarius Taylor, Founder and Chief Investment Officer of iVestDirect PCG. Taylor’s vision of Bereola as a businessman became the inspiration behind Bereola’s book. After a tragic death of his mentor Tarvarius Taylor, Bereola began writing his book in 2006. A friend of his mentor helped him continue with his project as well as support from family and friends. “I think it was in God’s plan for me to do this project myself”, says Enitan.

The word “Bereolaesque” started as slogan between him and his friends describing an appearance, style, or a way of presenting themselves. Bereola later decided that the word needed a true definition. He defines it as highly appealing to the human series or mind; provides pleasure or delight especially in appearance or manner. Enitan says, “’Berolaesque’ is a word that is universal. It can be described as a person place or thing”. Enitan’s last name Bereola has been handed down from a noble family. Enitan’s fraternal grandfather was the chief of Lagos, Nigeria and his great- grandfather was king.
Much like Bereola’s last name, the book, Bereolaesque teaches men how to embrace royalty by applying modern chivalry in today’s society. The range of topics includes the approach as a gentlemen, a set code of conduct, and remembering where you came from, and how to handle your self reflection.
When he’s not busy traveling from state to state, he volunteers with at risk youth and assist them with learning ballroom dancing. Enitan says, “I believe ballroom dancing is a way of helping kids to break down barriers and change their whole conception of life. My mom exposed me to operas plays, debutants, and art classes. And as I matured I saw the value in it and it allowed me to become cultured.”
As a result of his success, Enitan has become a noble icon on facebook, myspace, and gossip blogs. He’s been featured in Clutch Magazine: Black Men to Watch and appeared on numerous radio and television shows. Many of his close friends and fans have embraced the word bereolaesque and use it in their personal blogs and everyday conversation. Enitan is in the process of publishing his book, which is scheduled to release the 3rd week of February. He is scheduled to go on a college tour to distinguished schools such as Harvard, MIT and HBCU’s around the nation.
To find out more information about Mr. Enitan Bereola go to www.ContemporaryGentlemen.com or www.BEROLAESQUE.com